
Install spark ubuntu 14.04
Install spark ubuntu 14.04

install spark ubuntu 14.04

The result is that hardware developpers are now already removing support to linux in there basic hardware and firmware. Linus Thorvald the base developper off linux core did warned about it already more then two years ago. Whe are facing now a real problem in linux thank’s to gnome. It is perfect for those who only need to go to there facebook or other social stuff write a letter send an email and such simple tasks. Optimum for a newbie user who does not need managable things and utility’s. Ubuntu self is perfect for those who are happy with unity. Wheater we are with to old fashion design and running into problems with more advanced graphical applications when using desktops like xfce. The problem is that there is no any good alternatif to gnome. And very buggy ram eating processor eating. You can’t hibernate you’re screen anymore. They just took away all utility of gnome. They added a wheater plugin and such stuff. Every version gnome is into severe regression.

install spark ubuntu 14.04

Gnome 3-10 is actually very bad and 3-12 is a disaster. For versions between gnome 3-4 up to 3-8 I don’t know. with a little tweaking gnome 3-4 which was used on ubuntu 12.04 worked perfect. Just like it did on 12.04 with gnome That’s off course again a very serious error off gnome self. Now the hibernate does not work on ubuntu 14.04 gnome (whatever gnome classic or standard gnoùme).

Install spark ubuntu 14.04